Monday, September 16, 2013

5 Weeks In

As always, the school year is moving quickly already. I can't believe we are five weeks in to the year. The kids are feeling comfortable with the procedures and routines that we have been practicing, they have already completed their first round of standardized testing (yay!), and we are starting to dig into some more complex topics with all of our subjects. At this point I feel like I know each of the students pretty well that I spent some time at school rearranging the seating chart this weekend. :) I really like this time of year. All of the newness has faded, and the kids know what they are doing. They no longer get lost in the hallways. They know the schedule. Not to mention the weather has started to cool down, and fall is in the air!

I have two student blog posts to share today. Madison and Cody tackled the job as Blog Writer recently. Madison wrote about a punctuation review we did a few weeks ago. Cody wrote about a few of his favorite parts about school. Check it out...

Punctuation Marks by Madison
In class we have been working with period, exclamation point, and question mark. We have been finding out where they go in the right ending of the sentence. Like for period- "I like to play on my swing set." To explain the period goes at the end of a telling sentence. Exclamation points go at the end of a yelling, excited, or loud sentence. Question marks go at the end of an asking sentence. Period. Question mark? Exclamation point!

Here are some pictures of posters and an activity we did with punctuation that week:

My School by Cody
School is a fun place to learn. School is where you learn math, language, science, art, and reading. In the morning we do morning work. At reader's workshop we read for 20 minutes. In art we were learning about cave paintings. Recess is a time of the day when you get to play. The school I go to is Blair Pointe Elementary. In math we are learning about fractions. If we didn't have school we would not know anything at all. The End.

Great work Madison and Cody!!